Holy Family

Holy Family

Friday, March 9, 2012

Feast of Dominic Savio

Good morning. Well, it actually isn’t morning, it has been a very long week and I got a late start today on things all the way around. Despite my being busy it did not pass my attention that we celebrated International Women’s Day yesterday. It likewise did not pass my attention that many voices calling for women’s rights and solidarity throughout this vast world of ours seized the opportunity to continue their call for the use of contraception and abortion as a solution for women’s freedom and solidarity. These individuals speak of freedom as if it only applies in instances of self-indulgence, and not self-denial. Repeatedly yesterday, and almost every day, we are asked to view sexual promiscuity as an issue of women’s health versus it being a matter of choice calling into play personal maturity and virtuous understanding of healthy human desires. I’m reminded of a passage from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New Word:

"There isn't any need for a civilized man
to bear anything that's seriously unpleasant.
And as for doing things–Ford forbid that he
should get the idea into his head.
It would upset the whole social order
if men started doing things on their own."

"What about self-denial, then?
If you had a God, you'd have a reason for self-denial."
"But industrial civilization is only possible when
there's no self-denial. Self-indulgence up to the
very limits imposed by hygiene and economics.
Otherwise the wheels stop turning."
"You'd have a reason for chastity!" said the Savage,
blushing a little as he spoke the words.
"But chastity means passion, chastity means neurasthenia.
And passion and neurasthenia mean instability.
And instability means the end of civilization.
You can't have a lasting civilization without plenty of pleasant vices."

These so-called enlightened voices who speak on behalf of women’s equality and justice for women view legalized abortion and freely available contraception as the cornerstone of their desired freedom and equality. Yet they fail to appreciate the need to protect those same freedoms for the millions of children they so thoughtlessly choose to kill. Like the servants in today’s Gospel we have many modern day prophets instructing us on how to live our lives, but like the tenants we discard their instructions for those of this world. We reject the cornerstone of our faith for the ways of this world. 

These same enlightened voices suggest that the life of these unborn children are expendable. That, in the words of Blessed Pope John Paul II, these unborn children are “only a relative good: according to a proportionalist approach, or one of sheer calculation, this good should be compared with and balanced against other goods. It is even maintained that only someone present and personally involved in a concrete situation can correctly judge the goods at stake: consequently, only that person would be able to decide on the morality of his choice. The State therefore, in the interest of civil coexistence and social harmony, should respect this choice, even to the point of permitting abortion and euthanasia.” 

Theses enlightened voices likewise speak of wanting dignity for women and yet they fail to dignify themselves in suggesting that women are unable to have the constancy to make prudent choices where it involves their own sexual physiology. It is quite sad that women have chosen to diminish the greatest gift God has given us. Gertrud von le Fort writes of the simple beauty of being a woman in her book, The Eternal Woman, “To be a mother, to feel maternally, means to turn especially to the helpless, to incline lovingly and helpfully to every small and weak thing upon the earth”... The very soul of the woman is meant to be maternal. 

In whatever role God has called us to, whether it be as man or woman, father or mother we need to bear in mind the words of Saint Dominic Savio, whose life we celebrate today, "I can't do big things, but I want everything to be for the glory of God." Let all that we do today be for His glory. Make a great day!

Today we recall the good life, gifts, and work of Saint Dominic Savio.

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