Holy Family

Holy Family

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Feast of Saint Peter Gonzales

Good morning. We read in the first reading for today’s Mass from the Book of Genesis how as parents we have a link with the ancient people of the covenant, with Abraham, and through this link we share in the responsibility passed on to Abraham from God for the direction of His people. Just as Abraham is our common father in the faith, we as parents inherit and continue that responsibility as the primary teachers of our children in the faith. As Christian parents we can trace our faith back to Abraham and his covenant with God for the leadership of God’s people in the learning and living out of the faith. This faith tradition and the responsibilities handed to Abraham continue with us in our role as parents through our teaching of the faith to our children. It continues in our instruction of prayer and the sacraments to our children. We continue this tradition through our reading to our children the lives of the Saints and in our lived example of the virtues and other church teachings. Just as the Jewish people at times drifted in their relationship with God it is easy as parents to likewise drift away from our responsibilities, to become absorbed in our own lives, and attend to our own comfort. Blessed Pope John Paul II cautioned us parents of the dangers of letting down our guard and allowing ourselves to fall victim to the attractions our current society offers. How often, as a marriage and family counselor, I see parents lose site of the covenant we have with God for the responsible teaching of the faith to our children. In his very first Papal visit to the United States, Pope John Paul II reminded us, “The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.” Today may we call upon the Holy Family to enlighten all parents about the societal threats to the stability of family life. May the Holy Family guide us as parents in our responsibilities for teaching the faith. May we always be living examples of God’s goodness and love. Make a great day!

Today we recall the good life, gifts, and works of Saint Peter Gonzales.

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