For Sarah and Chris and for all couples there will be moments ahead that will cause them to wonder if they perhaps made a mistake. And, we live in a culture which is all too ready to convince them they did. This is why we need to provide ourselves with things like sharing a piece of the wedding cake on the occasion of our first wedding anniversary. This is why it is important to have the support of family and friends. This is why we need to be active in our prayer life and the sacraments. This is why we should begin each day with a kiss and a hug. Because our thoughts and senses govern our actions and the devil is all too aware of this and always quick to oblige any negative moments and the thoughts that go with them.
This is why it is important for us to immerse ourselves in positive things and surround ourselves with positive people and events, and it is important for us to be there to encourage and support our partners in this way. This is why Jesus gives us the thoughts for living we read in the Seventh Chapter of Matthew. This is where we find the “Golden Rule.” This is why our saint for today Saint Josemaria Escriva reminds us that as married couples we need to engage in activities and do things that serve to remind ourselves that “the secret of married happiness lies in everyday things, not in daydreams. It lies in finding the hidden joy of coming home in the evening, in affectionate relations with their children, in the everyday work in which the whole family cooperates; in good humor in the face of difficulties that should be met with a sporting spirit; in making the best use of all the advantages that civilization offers to help us rear children, to make the house pleasant and life more simple.” With God’s grace true love cannot be shaken by the occasional nudging by the devil. Make a great day!
Today we recall the good life, gifts, and work of Saint Josemaria Escriva.
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