As a Marriage and Family Therapist I celebrate the chance to help married couples come to a better understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sadly we have lost a sense of marriage as it was intended by God in the beginning. This blog is about marriage as it applies to scripture and the lives of the saints. As a Marriage Counselor I invite you to walk with me on a journey within the rich anthropology of our faith. The sacredness of Marriage is what this blog, and my work is all about.
Holy Family
Monday, June 4, 2012
Feast of Saint Francis of Caracciolo
Good morning. We read in today’s Gospel a parable concerning responsibility, concerning responsible stewardship of those things for which we have been given charge. In the parable those who were given responsibility for attending to the vineyard violated the trust of the owner, so the owner took back the land and handed it over to others to care for. This parable suggests that we as parents are responsible for the vineyard entrusted to our care, that of our children. The Land Owner expects us to be good stewards of the children entrusted to our care and we will be asked to account for how well we have attended to their care. Our saint for today, Saint Francis of Caracciola offers a wonderful example of how as parents we sometimes need to be servants in our role as parents. As parents we must keep in mind that the foundation of our authority as parents is in our willingness to serve and sacrifice for our children. Much like attending to the vineyard in today’s Gospel, a bountiful harvest requires much toil and self-sacrifice. There is considerable joy to be had in meeting the needs of our children which often requires considerable toil, sacrifice and gift of self. The most influential thing we can do as parents is to teach by way of our example, which requires, like Saint Francis of Caracciola, to perform the most menial tasks of the house. Make a great day!
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