Good morning. Christianity is more than a list of dos and don’ts. Yes, there are rules, and they are there for our protection and to guide us, but living out these rules needs to come from the heart, it should flow from love. In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges the religious leadership of His day, noting that they do not embrace the true spirit of the law. So it is with us as well, we often view things as being forbidden versus being wrong because they get in the way of realizing God’s intentions for us. We see clearly this legalistic posture unfold in current day society’s attitude toward marriage and divorce. The love God calls us to, goes beyond the law.
Unfortunately, our culture tends to view everything as being relative. The society we live in suggests that a good society is that which allows us to do whatever makes us happy. Servant of God Dorothy Day, however, suggests in her Autobiography, The Long Loneliness
, that a good society is that “kind of society where it is easier to be good.” We live in a culture where the “common good” is not always seen as being what is best for everyone. A prime example of this relativist view is seen in our society’s current-day position regarding abortion: If the thought of an unwanted pregnancy stands in the way of our happiness, "Just get rid of it." There are those who profess to be Christian and yet see no wrong in the taking of an unborn life or the practice of contraception. This cannot be, one cannot be Christian and also believe in abortion or practice contraception, nor support anyone who actively provides for abortion.
When it comes to right and wrong there are absolutes. There are clear rights and wrongs where it involves God’s intentions for us. God intends for us to be happy, but such happiness comes with living in accordance with His intentions for us. His intention for us is summed up in love. A good marriage is one which is summed up in love. Love is the law by which we all will be judged. Happiness is found in living a life of love, and it begins with our self. Today we celebrate the feast day of Saint Monica, by her loving example and perseverance she provides us hope for overcoming whatever difficulties we may face in our marriage and our families. Saint Monica’s life example offers us a wonderful example for living in accordance with God’s intentions for us. She prayed persistently for the conversion of her husband and her son, Saint Augustine. Just as God could not resist the prayers and tears of Saint Monica, God will not resist ours. Let us never cease praying for our marriage and family. Make a great day!
Today we recall the good life, gifts, and work of Saint Monica.
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