Holy Family

Holy Family

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Feast of Saint Andre Bessette--God's Door Man

Good morning. Today’s readings teach us some things about love and the place of humility in providing for love in our relationships with others. In the reading of the Gospel from the Book of Luke (Lk 4:14-22) this morning we see that we are called to be servants to one another. In His public reading of the text from Isaiah Jesus makes it clear that He was here to serve. I find it to be of interest that Jesus begins His public life and ends it, in the washing of the apostle’s feet, with a message that love requires us to be as servants to one another. And, of course in the crucifixion, He gives humbly the total gift of himself.  This idea of serving one another humbly is likewise seen in the life of the Saint whose life we commemorate today. The life of the recently canonized Saint Andre Bessette epitomizes the virtue of humility.  In fact, his tombstone reads: “Pauper, servis a humilis” (a poor and humble servant).  In reflecting on today’s readings and upon the life of Saint Andre, it occurs to me that humility is the key that opens the door to love in our life, and that we are called to humbly serve one another. This is a very important message for married couples both in their relationship with each other and in their role as parents.  Just as Jesus was clear about His mission of service to us, we too are called to be committed to the well being of our spouse and our children above our own personal wants and needs.  How might your spouse and children today see that you prize them above your own wants and needs? How might they experience Jesus in you today? Make a great day!

Today we recall the good life and works of Saint Andre Bessette.

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